
Hello, (Fabulous) World

I remember back maybe ten years ago when it was still relatively acceptable for friends and family to say they just didn't use email.  Often-times you could sense an air of smugness, or exhaustion over "this whole internet fad all these kids are using."

Fast forward to present-day America and I would hope each and every one of those folks are online. I'd venture to say they might just even have their own blog, or at the very least and without even knowing, are curating content straight on their own slice of internet real estate, Facebook.

So in these ten years we've seen the web evolve and grow but most importantly, we've seen those who are unwilling, unable, or slow to adapt to these changing times completely left behind.

I believe over the next five years, that same phenom will hold true for programming- be it understanding the basics of HTML, how to code, or programming a basic application. And although skilled with software and as confident in my abilities to utilize the web and all that it offers as anyone else, I know little (if anything) in the programming field of study or application.

And that's why I've started this blog.  With the gentle nudging from Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) (specifically a community for Programming with Python and School of Webcraft), I'm jumping in head first into a structured learning environment in which I plan to use this space to track progress and provide accountability.

Hell, we just might learn something along the way.  For those of you happening onto this site much like a lost tourist in some unknown country, welcome and thanks for reading this far.  With the right motivation and planing, this should be a good ride!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Your blog is a great start.

    P2PU will have lots of support for you.
    Good stuff all over the place, too.
    Check out Mozilla Thimble, among others...almost, but not quite, your own site.
